Mozilla, creator of popular internet browser Firefox, made the bold move of re-enabling suppor for outdated and very insecure (for governments especially) HTTP encryption protocols TLS v1.0 and 1.1. Several known attacks exists against services exposed over these protocols that are realistically exploitable for nation state attackers.
Many government sites around the world are still hosted using these long-outdated protocols despite being retired by all popular browsers back in October 2018. Qualys SSL Labs found over 97% of surveyed sites are supporting TLS v1.2+.

Still, at least 850000 websites are using these outdated protocols, allowing sophisticated attackers to, at the least, decrypt web traffic of other users.
Due to various governments apparently not having the means to upgrade their infrastructure during the global virus pandemic known as “Corona”, Mozilla decided to re-enable support for these retired, forbidden protocols to allow sharing of information.